Mexican American War (1846-1848) Sound Beautiful Teeth

“We remember numbers who went to the Mexican war with sound and beautiful teeth, and returned within a year or two with most of them destroyed, and in some cases entirely so, and almost all much diseased.” Taft, Johnathan, The Influence of Camp Life Upon the Teeth in...

War of 1812 (1812-1815) A Musket Ball in His Mouth

“In the course of the action a New York volunteer named Wm. Holmes, from Ontario county, received a musket ball in his mouth which shattered several of his teeth.” Brown, Samuel R., An Authentic History of the Second War for Independence, 1815, p. 200 Tunis, Edwin....

Revolutionary War (1775-1793) Handle Your Cartridge!

“Bring your right- hand short round to your pouch, flapping it hard, seize the cartridge, and bring it with a quick motion to your mouth, bite the top off down to the powder, covering it instantly with your thumb, and bring the hand as low as the chin, with the elbow...
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