The National Museum of Dentistry will be closed to the public Tuesday, Jan. 7th due to inclement weather.

Tools for the Advancement of Dental Illustration

The 19th century saw advancements in dental illustration via the advent of lithography and photography. Lithography involves drawing on a flat surface with an oil-like substance and then making prints from it by pressing paper onto the oil. This allows for the mass...

Importance to Dental Education

Tempromandibular joint illustration by Jacob Kozak. Dental illustration creates high-quality, detailed representations of the human body, including muscles, bones, and important anatomical structures that can be difficult to explain using only words. Illustrations can...

Importance to the Public

Dental illustration is helpful to the public for its ability to make complex information more accessible, comprehensible and actionable. While often seen in patient-provider settings, these visualizations can also serve as useful tools for patients to educate...

Acknowledgements & Additional Resources

Oral Health Education Posters Aphthous Ulcers aka Canker Sores Cold Sores Early Childhood Caries aka Baby Bottle Tooth Decay Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease aka Gum Disease Treatment Options for Gum Disease Halitosis aka Chronic Bad Breath Oral Candidiasis aka Oral...

Revolutionary War (1775-1793) Handle Your Cartridge!

“Bring your right- hand short round to your pouch, flapping it hard, seize the cartridge, and bring it with a quick motion to your mouth, bite the top off down to the powder, covering it instantly with your thumb, and bring the hand as low as the chin, with the elbow...
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