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National Museum of Dentistry


Tues-Friday 10am to 4pm


31 S. Greene St. Baltimore, MD 21201


Scott Swank, DDS, MS – Curator

Elise Petersen – Education Coordinator

Patrick Cutter – Assistant Director

Richard Manski, DDS, MBA, PhD – Executive Director




Are there any restrictions or guidelines in place due to COVID-19?

Face coverings are optional at the NMD for guests and our staff in alignment with the lifting of the mask mandate in Baltimore City on Marh 1, 2022. “Face covering” means a covering that fully covers a person’s nose and mouth. Bandanas, gaiters, scarves, and masks with valves are not approved face coverings at NMD. Masks are available upon request at the Admissions desk.

For more information about the COVID-19 guidelines we are following, please visit

Do you have a gift shop?

Yes! The NMD has two cases full of dental related toys and products, and your group is welcome to purchase items from the gift shop AT THE END of your tour.

How much does a trip to the NMD cost?

Group rates are $5 per person. Is your organization/group in town for a conference? Reach out ahead of time to discuss special admission opportunities with the museum.

Can we take pictures?

Pictures are always welcome at the museum! We do, however, request that you do not use phones for anything other than picture taking during the tour. We’d also love to share your visit! If you’re interested in sharing your group’s oral health pride, have your group fill out and bring this Photo Consent Form PDF to the museum on the day of your visit or ask for the forms to be available when you arrive.

How long does a visit to the National Museum of Dentistry last?

Typical visits to the Dr. Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry last about 1-2 hours. Plan for a little longer stay if you’d like to purchase items from the gift shop, explore the museum on your own after a tour, or to eat lunch.

Can we eat lunch at the museum?

Although we do not have food to purchase, your group is more than welcome to bring packed lunches or purchase lunches from nearby restaurants to eat at the museum. During your tour, lunches can be stored on tables in the museum’s atrium, which always has a security guard or staff person present. Please let us know ahead of time if your group wants to eat at the museum so we can arrange for tables and chairs.

What if there is inclement weather or we cannot make our visit?

As soon as you find out, let us know! We are always happy to reschedule, and also understand if weather or any other unforeseen event means you won’t be able to make it to the museum this year due to scheduling. Full refunds will be given if the tour is canceled more than 48 hours in advance or canceled due to inclement weather. Partial refunds will be given if the tour is canceled under 48 hours in advance.

Also, the NMD typically follows the same closures and delays for Baltimore City Public Schools when it comes to inclement weather. We will also let you know as soon as possible if we are going to be closed due to inclement weather, and we always put an announcement at the top of our website and on our voicemail.


Tuesday - Friday: 10am to 4pm


31 S. Greene St. Baltimore, MD 21201



The Dr. Samuel D. Harris National Museum of Dentistry is an auxiliary enterprise of the University of Maryland, School of Dentistry at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

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